
2023-2024 Team


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Claire Deville – MA1 Business Engineering

Manages the whole program. More specifically, she coordinates the different activities of the team, organizes events and negotiates partnerships.

Vice President


Evrard Thijssen – BA3 Business Engineering

Coordinates activities and helps the president. He is also in charge of the financials.

Communication Manager


Nelly Pepinster – MA1 Business Engineering

Takes care of the communication strategy and promotes the SMP on social medias. She also handles our offline presence through the organisation of different events.

Web Developer & Data Analyst

Design sans titre (2)

Yusuf Atakan – BA2 Business Engineering

Is responsible for the website and IT related matters of the SMP. In addition to that, he conducts data analyses in order to find new development opportunities that might be implemented in the future.

Student Contact


Léa Petit – MA2 Business Economics

Ensure the communication between the SMP and the students that take part in the program. She also helps improving the recruiting of students and is monitoring the quality of relationships between students and alumni.

Alumni Contact

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Alexandra Al Naassan – MA2 Business Engineering

She is the point of contact between the SMP and the alumni. She is also in charge of the recruiting of alumni, the keeping of the alumni database updated. Last but not least, she handles the follow-up of the alumni in order to make sure that they are getting along with their mentees.

 Logistics Manager


Daria Tatenko – MA1 Business Engineering

Closes new partnership deals and maintains a good relationship with the current ones. She is also responsible for the coordination of event logistics.

Advisory Board


Marvin Denis

Co-founder & 2015-2017 President

McKinsey New Ventures


Adrien Gassée

Co-founder & 2015-2017 President



Sebastiano Federighi

2016-2018 President



Martin Nolf

2018-2019 President



Camille Branquart

2019-2020 President